Friday, 25 January 2008

What a time it was! What a time it is!

Their eyes so bright
full of light and innocence
looking for loving care

Their smile so wide
fresh like the new born leaves
in the clean air of the spring

Their soul so huge
living between here and beyond
in an own world of magic and dreams

Many voices raise nowadays about the future of the planet, we all seem to be concerned and worried because of the developement of the enviromental problems. It is indeed a serious matter and it is good to see some reactions to "slow down" the now certain effects of the global warming.

Anyway there's something about us, mankind, our way of life, our social and political environement much more worrying than that. If we really want to think of the future, of the world next generations are going to heritate, we should really start thinking about those generations themselves. Why are we so obviously ignoring the state of our children and youth? Anorexical young girls, suicide rates, violence and drugs, border line, bulliying and mobbing at schools (or even amok cases), consumerism, school failure, teenagers falling dead at their computers, and a long range of less impressive symptoms of lack of mental health have become a usual part of the news.

What's happening to our children? Who is to be blamed? How long is it going to take until we realise that the real problem is not that there is no future for them but that there is no future without them? When is our society going to react? Are we also going to try and "slow down" this process as well when it is already irreversible?

Women aren't aware of the power they have always had through raising their children. It has always been one of the most important asignements of the society and yet I guess anyone saying they should stay at home and take care of the little ones would be considered to be an enemy of women emantipation. What a lie!

When I remember my own chilhood and compare it with the childhood nowadays I see substancial changes that could explain why our kids are growing sick at heart. I have already mentioned the most important one, there was a mother there, women assumed their role and were non stop in charge. But there have always been motherless children who were able to develope.

In fact it is our way of living drifting appart from Nature that is causing the most important damage. But even though there are several possibilities to adapt and we could have made the best out of it. If we consider the whole and remember how we lived we'll see some important differences. I still remember playing ring a ring in big groups singing and laughing, those songs have turned into beeping and the group life into isolation. Regarding the toys, we used to have teddy bears and sweet dolls. Nowadays our children play with "monsters", ugly plastic creatures which could be a product (and for sure cause) of nightmares. Instead of party games there's screens (again in isolation) offering more blood than wit, instead of movement, sitting.
How long are we going to wait for better times to come, instead of doing something? I am conviced there are plenty of us keeping their eyes wide open. I do believe in the human evolution. I couldn't live without this hope.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Ceid Mile Fáilte! (A hundred thousand welcomes!)

This window you now find here opened is sort of magic anyway. Like every window it may bring some light and fresh air in but also take them out (and that is indeed the most special part of it). Being besides world wide opened it will allow me to call out loud my thoughts and let the wind carry them away all over our beautiful blue planet but also to hear the voices of the unexpected guests. Be welcome and enjoy the well known Irish hospitality of a soul willing to share the hope to gather those who want to change the world, a wild goose whose flock was once dispersed and chased away, an heir of the eternal values all human heroes defend. Feel free to let here the flowers of your thoughts for all of them.